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CRN North West London

We provide researchers with the practical support they need to make health and social care research happen in North West London, so that more research takes place and more people can take part.


We are the NIHR Clinical Research Network North West London. We provide the infrastructure that allows high-quality health and social care research to take place within our area, for the benefit of patients and the public. We help to increase the opportunities for people to take part in research and ensure that studies are carried out efficiently.

What do we do?

  • Help researchers set up and open studies quickly and effectively.
  • Support the life sciences industry to carry out research within the NHS and social care.
  • Provide healthcare professionals with the training they need to deliver research.
  • Work with patients, their carers and families, and the wider public to make sure research is carried out in partnership with them.


Our ENRICH network brings together care home staff, residents and their families, with researchers. It provides a toolkit of resources to help care homes make the most of research and researchers to set up and run studies effectively and collaboratively in care homes. Find your local ENRICH contact.

Who do we work with?

We cover eight boroughs in North West London, working with the North West London Integrated Care System, the local primary care network and eight NHS Trusts:


Contact us

General information
020 3313 4116

CRN North West London
Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust
3rd Floor, Administrative Block South
Hammersmith Hospital
Du Cane Road
W12 0HS

Study Support Service
020 3313 4010

Commercial research
020 3313 4027

Primary care research

Media & communications
07920 403 739


How we are funded

We are funded by the Department of Health and Social Care. Take a look at our funding allocation reports:


Data privacy notice

Read the data privacy notice for the NIHR Clinical Research Network North West London.