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The NIHR Clinical Research Network East Midlands supports studies across the 30 NIHR medical specialty areas, working with partners to give patients and members of the public opportunities to be part of research.
The NIHR Clinical Research Network East Midlands supports studies across the 30 NIHR medical specialty areas, working with partners to give patients and members of the public opportunities to be part of research.
The NIHR supports research being delivered through 30 specialty therapy areas. Each specialty is made up of expert clinical leaders and practitioners who work at both national and local levels to ensure that studies are delivered successfully and to promote awareness of research opportunities for participants to take part in. The specialty groups also support the dialogue between the life sciences industry and charities to ensure the pipeline of research studies and to facilitate the involvement of participants to make research more effective. Visit the main NIHR website to find out what is happening nationally in the different specialties.
In the East Midlands, we work with our specialty leads to encourage clinicians across the region to participate in the delivery of research. Each specialty lead works closely with the relevant Research Delivery Manager for their specialty area to support local activity, and specialty leads also contribute to national strategies and initiatives where possible.
If you would like to find out more about research taking place in each specialty area, contact the relevant specialty lead from the East Midlands.