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CRN North Thames funding model


Funding model

The model by which funding is distributed each year is agreed annually by the UCLPartners Partnership Board. The distribution model for 2019/20 was agreed by the Board in February 2019.
A review of the historic funding allocation model was undertaken and at this time it was decided that the principles of the allocation model will not change. The funding model allocation incorporates a large historic element as well as any additional support provided via new business cases and strategic aims in year.
It was agreed that each partner organisation would take an equal share of the overall cut (inclusive of all cost pressures) and that CRN North Thames would manage the vacancy factor centrally.


The CRN North Thames 19/20 budget has the following elements:
  • Core Team (including all mandated posts)
  • Non-Staff costs (LPMS, rent, training and travel)
  • Local Clinical Specialty Leads
  • Contingency/Disease prevalence ring-fenced support
  • Vacancy Factor
  • Partner Organisation
    • Delivery Team
    • Support Services (Pharmacy, Radiology and Pathology)
    • Study Support Service
    • RM&G Set-Up
    • Harmonisation
    • Overheads (8% on delivery staff and RM&G local set-up activities allocation)
  • National Specialty Leads (top sliced)