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“Taking part in the clinical trial was a complete no-brainer for me: I was never ‘just a number’"

Taking part in the clinical trial was a complete no brainer

Annette Richards from Bude, Cornwall, gives an account of her experience of being on a clinical trial and in particular, how it helped treat her breast cancer.

“It’s the classic story: back in 2015, I got out of the shower and was moisturising when I found a small lump, only about the size of a pea. I made an appointment with my GP to get it checked and was at Derriford Hospital less than two weeks later, having the various examinations. I then got the dreaded call on New Year’s Eve – it was a tumour, stage two. I was only 58.

“I was offered the usual options then and there: I could have immediate surgery or I could start radiotherapy straight away. But then this other route was suggested – to take part in a clinical trial, which would mean taking a drug, currently being piloted, to shrink tumours and reduce the impact of surgery. It seemed like a complete no-brainer to me.

“I worked as a medical rep for 25 years, so I guess I’ve always had a vague interest in anything medical. But I think the main reason for wanting to delay breast surgery and take part in the trial was because of the potential outcome. Knowing how it could help me, primarily by reducing the size of the tumour, and therefore not having to have such a big operation. This alternative was going to be so much better for me. Honestly, why wouldn’t you do it?

“I started the treatment in February 2016. It involved taking a pill in three cycles – two weeks on, two weeks off. I was done by the end of April. During that time I had to have weekly blood tests, so that they could keep an eye on me. Luckily my local GP surgery had a great relationship with the hospital – they are really supportive of you going on a clinical trial - which meant that I could have the blood tests done there, and saved me from having to travel to Plymouth each time.  I did have to have several mammograms and biopsies too, but you just have to accept that it’s all part of the process, and that it will take up some of your time.

“The doctors working on the trials are absolutely lovely. Right from the start, I felt like I was being treated like a private patient. I saw various doctors and nurses at the Primrose breast clinic, where I went for the mammograms, but I had a designated research nurse allocated to me for the clinical trial bit, and she soon became my new ‘bestie’. She’d regularly call me for a chat and to see how I was doing, which really meant a lot to me.

“Her being at the end of the phone almost 24/7 and her endless patience, no matter how trivial my concerns, and her attention to detail, well it was all just exemplary. Having such a positive relationship with my research nurse was definitely an unexpected bonus, but a greatly welcomed one.

“The trial room was right next to the Mustard Tree, where the nurses are amazing too, making you so many teas and coffees. Good biscuits too! They’re a really accommodating bunch of people, and they do nice things like crafts to keep you occupied, and show you how to use make-up to help you feel good about yourself. I started making cushions for ladies to put under their arms, for where they’ve had lymph nodes removed as part of breast surgery [pictured left]. It felt good to give something back, especially as they had given me so much.

“My hospital visits were dependent on my weekly blood tests. They’d interpret my white blood cell count as to how or whether to continue, and at what dose. They monitored me closely for things like weight, blood pressure and heart rate, and recorded any slight change – even to my mood, my energy levels and the condition of my skin. I didn’t gain or lose any weight during the treatment, but my face erupted in a few cold sores and I did get blistered lips. Luckily there isn’t a ‘one dose suits all’ approach – they adjust it according to how you are feeling. My body tolerated the lowest dose best. I did get tired, but that didn’t stop me from continuing to play tennis, which I love doing.

“I also love to travel, and we tend to go on holiday quite a bit. I find that I always need something to look forward to, you know? Surprisingly, they actually allowed my husband and I go on a week-long cruise in the Canaries, even though it was in March and therefore in the middle of the trial. It was amazing how supportive they were about us going, and we’re very grateful. Doing something special, just for you, is so very important.

“At the end of the trial, my tumour had ‘significantly’ reduced in size, and all through the taking of a tablet. It meant that I could just have a lumpectomy, instead of a full mastectomy. The surgery was done as a day case in May – I was in at 8am and out by 7pm. Two weeks later we went on holiday to Turkey!

“I did still have to have radiotherapy afterwards – the ‘belt and braces’ approach – just to be sure that it had all gone. But that was only 15 days’ worth. I was then given the final all-clear, nearly a year later, in June 2017. And I’ve not looked back, so-to-speak.

“I do have a little ‘dent’ in my boob – I call it ‘my doughnut’! But it is so much better than it could have been, and I’ve been told it’d be easy to fill-in with plastic surgery if I wanted to.

“Looking back, I’m so very glad that I took part in the trial. For anyone currently going through a similar experience, I’d definitely recommend sticking with it – I saw the end point, and you will too. You just need to find the motivation to get yourself better, whatever that may be. You do have to commit though and need to make sure that you take the tablets when they tell you to. So you need to be organised, and also expect to have quite a few blood tests. But on a positive note, coming to Plymouth means that you can go shopping! Just because we had to come to the hospital didn’t mean that the treatment had to be the entire focus – we’d ‘make a day of it’ and pop into town too. I’d thoroughly recommend buying yourself a little treat each time – mine was Joe Browns tops! And it’s a good opportunity to eat-out too. You’ll find yourself looking forward to your hospital visits that way.

“If anyone isn’t sure about being in a trial, I’d like to reassure them that I wasn’t ‘just a number’ or a statistic – I was a real person all the way through. I would tell them not to worry – you don’t lose your identity in this process. I personally felt like I was important and respected - as a human being and an individual. And taking part meant to me that I was contributing to a positive outcome. I even received a letter from the clinical trial too, thanking me for my participation and telling me what a massive impact it will have on future patients.

“I think it’s brilliant that we have this opportunity to advance medicine, right here on our doorstep. I mean, there are just as many patients down here as anywhere else! I wouldn’t have wanted to have to leave our home and go elsewhere for treatment, and of course I didn’t have to. Imagine the financial implications alone of having to stay in a hotel for a week!

“If what I’ve been through means that other ladies can benefit, I can only see the positives. If I had to, I’d do it again in a heartbeat. My main piece of advice would be to consider what the trial is hoping to achieve – I’d definitely go for it if it may help you.”

Annette has just returned from a cruise in the Caribbean and hopes to have her follow-up plastic surgery at Derriford Hospital next month.