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Patients, Carers and the Public

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Did you know there’s clinical research taking place at NHS and social care organisations near you, including your local GP practice? Patient and public involvement is central to all our studies and you could be part of research.

Getting involved in clinical research could give you...

  • A better understanding of your condition
  • Additional contact with your health professionals
  • A chance to contribute to better treatments.

There are many ways you can get involved

Getting involved in research doesn't always mean that you need to take part in a clinical trial. Whether you're 8 years old or 80, you can help to make treatments and practices better for everyone by being the patient voice in research.

To help shape research we need you, as a member of the public, to get actively involved in projects with research organisations.

Examples of this include:

  • offering advice to research organisations within the NHS and social care as a member of a project steering group
  • helping to develop research materials
  • commenting on research information that's available to the public
  • interviewing people who are taking part in research.

Be Part of Research

Be Part of Research makes it easy for the public to learn about UK health and social care research. Anyone, whether they have a condition or not, can search for ethically-approved studies, and ask to take part. Every volunteer makes a difference.

Why not visit Be Part of Research to find out more or ask your nurse or doctor for more information.

Research Champions

A Research Champion is a volunteer who wants to promote research in healthcare to other patients, members of the public and to healthcare professionals. There's no minimum ask or ongoing commitment and you can do as much or as little as you like, depending on how much time you have available.

Become a CRN East of England Research Champion

To find out more about Research Champion contact Anne Kirby, our Patient and Public Involvement Manager by calling 01603 287670 or emailing

Patient in Research Experience Survey

We conduct a Participant in Research Experience Survey (PRES) every year so we can get our participants' views. The 2022/23 PRES was a massive success and has been by far the largest to date, with 2,461 responses, well over a 1,000 more than the previous year. Read the 2022/23 PRES Report.

Participant in Research Experience Survey 2024/25

The Participant in Research Experience Survey (PRES) 2024/25 is now available to enable participants to give us their views and help us to improve how we deliver research. If you would like to complete a survey or if you would like more information, please get in touch with your local research team or email our Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement Team at

Need help?

If you require further information or assistance to deliver the PRES please contact or in our Participant and Public Involvement Team and we will do our best to help you. 

Staff Site

If you are an NHS staff member who would like to deliver the PRES to your participants please visit our staff area on our CRN East of England Hub Home.