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Annual UK Implementation Science Research Conference

Date: 15 July 2021
Time: 09:30 to 18:00
Location: Online

This two-day annual conference showcases the latest research in the field of implementation science applied to health and social care. The conference theme this year is: Supporting the pandemic response? Implementation science in the time of COVID-19.

The conference is organised by NIHR ARC South London and the Centre for Implementation Science at King's College London. It will feature plenary lectures from leading international researchers, implementors and policymakers, as well as oral and poster presentations from researchers and practitioners. Confirmed speakers include:

Professor Trish Greenhalgh, professor of primary care health sciences, University of Oxford.

Professor Susan Michie, professor of health psychology, and director of the Centre for Behaviour Change at University College London.

Fees: £120 for ARC staff. You can find out more about the conference on the ARC's website.

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