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CRN WM and Janssen Commercial Opportunities virtual event


On 28 April 2023 the CRN WM Industry team hosted a virtual meeting with Janssen and mental health specialists from across the region. Led by the Neuroscience Medical Science Liaison from Jannsen, Jordan Talbot, it was a fantastic opportunity to hear from a large pharmaceutical company about their mental health pipeline, to allow clinicians and researchers in this field to feedback experiences locally and to discuss potential opportunities for collaboration in the region.

There was a great discussion about the Research scholar programme and the team is looking at how it can fund research time for clinicians in the region through commercial sponsors. 

There were several exciting outputs from this meeting. Firstly the team was able to identify a potential PI and site in the region suitable for a newly emerging Janssen study into depression. Additionally, through Jordan, they have been able to facilitate conversations between clinicians from the region in other speciality areas and the equivalent Medical Science Liaison at Janssen,  to expand conversations about other potential collaborations. Finally they are starting to make plans for a follow up meeting later in the year to continue these important discussions. 

Dr Rashi Negi, Associate Medical Director at Midlands Partnership University NHS Foundation Turst said: "The meeting was useful as it brought industry and researchers closer to where a shared vision and solutions to increasing quality research activities in the region could be discussed.  It was very good to see industry taking an active interest in developing and fostering new researchers. This will undoubtedly help the region to become more research active and able to support far more studies than at present." 

If you would like to learn more about this collaboration or would be interested in attending future events, please contact