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CRN North Thames Participant Research Experience Survey (PRES) Summary report 2022/23


Total Number of Responses Submitted During 1st April 2022- 31st March 2023

Type of responseNumber of responses
Total CRNCC national adult responses 30,705
Total national children and young people’s responses 1,898
CRN North Thames PRES target 1,650
CRN North Thames total responses 2,905
CRN North Thames adult responses 2,657
CRN North Thames children and young people’s responses 248

Fig 1. PRES national performance by year 2020 - 2023

Financial yearNorth Thames response figures
2020/2021 2425
2021/2022 1086
2022/2023 2905

Fig 1 illustrates the annual PRES data for all LCRNs. As shown, North Thames PRES response figures took a dip in financial year 2021/2022, due to the effects of a significant change in staffing within the North Thames PPIE workforce. However, after the appointment of a full time PPIE Manager, PRES figures for the financial year 2022/2023 showed a strong comeback, even exceeding total figures for financial year 2020/2021, conveying a concerted effort by all partner organisations in delivering PRES to research participants. The growth above last year's figure follows a similar trend to the other CRNs, where all but three CRNs also improved on the previous year. 

Fig 2. PRES national performance by quarter in 2023

Fig 2 illustrates the national performance by each CRN. North Thames PRES figures in Quarter 1 showed a slow start with 150 responses, steadily picking up in Quarter 2 with 535 and Quarter 3 with 536 and finishing off exceptionally well in Quarter 4 with an additional 1,684 responses, to obtain the forth position nationally.

Fig 3. CRN North Thames Partner Organisations' PRES performance by year 2022-2023

SiteTarget number of responses Number of PRES responsesNumber of responses above or below target
Barts Health NHS Trust 455 513 58 above target
Barnet Enfield & Haringey Mental Health NHS Trust 6 1 5 below target
Barking, Havering & Redbridge University Hospitals NHS Trust 89 92 3 above target
Camden & Islington NHS Foundation Trust 22 18 4 below target
East London NHS Foundation Trust 17 14 3 below target
Essex Partnership University NHS Trust 29 22 7 below target
Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHS Foundation Trust 45 50 5 above target
Luton, Essex & Hertfordshire Primary Care Team 50 61 11 above target
Hertfordshire Community NHS Trust 1 1 on target
Homerton Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust 46 29 17 below target
Mid & South Essex NHS Foundation Trust 118 378 260 above target
Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust 250 259 9 above target
North East London NHS Foundation Trust 46 17 29 below target
North Middlesex University Hospital NHS Trust 56 120 64 above target
Noclor 60 532 472 above target
The Princess Alexandra Hospital NHS Trust 30 40 10 above target
Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust 314 255 59 below target
Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital NHS Trust 7 2 5 below target
The Tavistock & Portman NHS Foundation Trust 3 0 3 below target
University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust  341 345 4 above target
West Hertfordshire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust 40 41 1 above target
Whittington Health NHS Trust 34 46 12 above target

Fig 3 shows the total number of PRES responses for each site in North Thames and compares the number to their individual targets. Noclor received the highest number of all (532) with Barts a close second. Several sites did not reach their target but some exceeded it, most notably; Noclor and MSE. NMUHT also doubled their target. Barts and UCLH had the highest targets which both trusts reached and Barts exceeded.

Well done to all Partner Organisations that contributed to PRES responses, enabling North Thames to exceed the overall target for financial year 2022/2023. This financial year (financial year 2023/2024), North Thames will push for all sites to meet or surpass their PRES targets, with a special focus on building on PRES strategies for smaller sites and trusts.

Fig 4. CRN North Thames annual PRES contributions to national total

Fig 4 represents how CRN North Thames has performed in relation to the overall network performance.

North Thames contributed extremely well to the overall network performance in financial year 2020/2021, with a 12% contribution (based on the contribution of 15 LCRNs in total). As previously stated, due to a significant change in the staffing infrastructure that impacted the delivery of PRES, the percentage of North Thames’ contribution to the overall performance in financial year 2021/2022 dipped. In the financial year 2022/2023 with a full time PPIE Manager in post, North Thames had a new drive to increase our combined efforts within our patch, to ensure more research participants had an opportunity to give feedback on their research experiences, which showed a percentage increase in our contribution when compared to the previous financial year.

Fig 5. Children and Young People PRES performance over time

Fig 5 denotes how well Children and Young People (CYP) PRES performed in the North Thames over time. With the exception of financial year 2021/2022 for reasons explained above in this report, CYP PRES performance figures show a continuous increase over the years. Financial year 2020/2021 and financial year 2021/2022 portray a 96% Adult PRES contribution and a 4% CYP PRES contribution, whilst financial year 2022/2023 show 91% to 9% split for Adult versus CYP PRES contributions.

Fig 6. Digital and paper responses

There was an option to submit forms digitally or by hard copy. Fig 6 shows the split between the two different approaches. PRES responses that were ‘not recorded’ or ‘not stated’ were omitted in the numbers for financial year 2021/2022. For financial year 2021/2022, the graph denotes a split of a 57% contribution for paper responses and a 35% attribution to digital responses. With the pilot introduction of stick-and-seal Adult PRES paper forms in North Thames for financial year 2022/2023, the graph denotes a 65% contribution from paper responses, in comparison to 43% for digital responses. Given the increase in the variety of ways to submit PRES responses in financial year 2022/2023, the availability of both digital and paper formats of PRES has succeeded in contributing effectively to the overall total of PRES responses.

Fig 7. Adult responses to key questions

QuestionAdult PRES 2021/22 (1,049)Adult PRES 2022/23 (2,657)
1. The information that I received before taking part prepared me 95% 90%
2.I feel I have been kept updated about this research 74% 76%
3.I know how I will receive the results of this research 79% 76%
4.I know how to contact someone from the research team if I have any questions or concerns 90% 79%
5.I feel research staff have valued my taking part in this research study 94% 92%
6.Research staff have always treated me with courtesy and respect 98% 97%
7.I would consider taking part in research again 95% 90%

Fig 8. Children and Young Persons responses to key questions

QuestionChildren's PRES 2021/22 (42Children's PRES 2022/23 (248)
1.The information received before taking part prepared me/my child 95% 95%
2. I feel I have been kept updated about this research 73% 91%
3. I know how I will receive the results of this research 70% 76%
4. I know how to contact someone from the research team if I have any questions or concerns 79% 93%
5.I feel research staff have valued my taking part in this research study 89% 99%
6.Research staff have always treated me with courtesy and respect 98% 100%
7. I would consider taking part in research again 84% 96%

Summary of Responses to Key Questions:

  • The percentage of adults who strongly agree or agree that they had been kept updated about the research they were taking part in slightly increased from 74% to 76%.
  • For the children’s survey, there was an increase in percentages for all seven key questions in financial year 2022/2023.
  • 93% of children knew whom to contact if they had any questions or concerns, an increase of 14% from the previous year.
  • 99% of children strongly agreed or agreed that the research staff valued their taking part in research compared to 89% last year.
  • 100% of children felt staff always treated them with courtesy and respect in financial year 2022/2023.
  • There are several issues identified to be addressed at a site level. 
  • Notably, the percentage of adults who knew who to contact if they had any questions or concerns decreased from 90% to 79%.
  • The percentage of adults who strongly agreed or agreed to key questions, ‘The information that I received before taking part prepared me’ and 'I would consider taking part in research again’, both decreased by 5% to 90% in financial year 2022/2023.
  • In financial year 2022/2023, 76% of adults knew how they would receive the results of the research they were taking part in, a decrease of 3% from the previous year.

Figure 9. When asked: What was positive about your experience?

A participant from Great Ormond Street Hospital For Children NHS Foundation Trust said: All aspects of the study explained to us. The care my child has received has been amazing throughout. we felt that should serious side effects arise, the team knew exactly what to do. My son was treated with respect throughout.  

A NOCLOR primary care participant said: Excellent information and valued the explanation provided by the research nurse.  

A Barts Health NHS Trust anaesthesia, perioperative medicine and pain management participant said: Can't praise the NHS staff enough, it gave me insight into what the research was trying to achieve. I have enormous respect for the NHS.  

Priorities for PRES for the upcoming year

  • One of North Thames’ priorities for the upcoming year is for all Partner Organisations to contribute to and meet PRES site targets for financial year 2023/2024. It is important to provide opportunities for research participants to give feedback on their research experiences and to see service improvement at a local level due to their feedback.
  • For financial year 2023/2024, we want to see improvements to response figures for adults who ‘strongly agree’ or ‘agree’ to key questions that encountered a percentage decline in financial year 2022/2023, particularly for questions ‘I know how I will receive the results of this research’, ‘the information that I received before taking part prepared me’, ‘I know how to contact someone from the research team if I have any questions or concerns’ and ‘I would consider taking part in research again’.
  • There are several issues that need to be addressed locally to assess what improvements can be made to enhance and maintain a quality standard for research participants' experiences. For example, sites should consider how often and what approaches to use to disseminate results and provide regular updates on the progress of studies with study participants. Sites may want to consider site newsletters by post, by email or through a website, signposting to sponsors regular bulletins and through a range of other methods to suit the needs of the participants.
  • The North Thames PPIE Strategic Lead and wider PPIE team will arrange for systematic and continual one-on-one engagement with sites to provide advice and support in implementing and developing PRES strategies, with a particular focus on addressing the key themes that derived from PRES responses. This will form part and aid in the unremitting drive and strategy in achieving a better understanding of what is important to research participants, to generate ideas for improvements to services and improving participant experience in research overall.